How It All Began: How Collecting Items Became Collecting Experiences
Since becoming a serious Pooh collector and since having the honor of being featured as the centerfold in the 2010 Guinness World Records Book, collecting has changed.
Don't get me wrong, I love finding new Pooh items and adding to the Guinness World Record Pooh Collection. However, just as important as the Pooh items themselves are the experiences that Gary and I have had because of collecting.
For example, if not for collecting, chances are, we would not have experienced Canada, England nor France; or at least not in the way we did.
I probably would not have been a contestant on The Price Is Right. I certainly would not have been featured in Episode 3 of Season 1 of Collector's Call.
We have had so many great adventures and experiences. We have met so many wonderful people. When I tell these stories, frequently people comment I should write a book and share the other side of collecting.
A book? What an interesting idea. Ok - a book.
By sharing these stories, hopefully, I will encourage someone else, be it another collector or just someone with a passion, to follow their hearts and most importantly, have fun!
Here is a link to the first draft of Chapter 2 - Always a Collector
If you like what you read and would like more, please visit my bookshelf on for an ebook or paperback copy.